360 Safety

360 Safety

By S. S. Suarez Like in any other profession, the skills and experience of a safety officer are important but inner qualities like genuine concern for people, humility and resilience are equally important as well.  Here’s the continuation of the 10 characteristics of a safety officer from last

360 Safety

10 Characteristics Of A Good Safety Practitioner (Part 1) By S.S. Suarez “What are the characteristics of a good safety engineer/officer?” I came across this question while I was visiting the Facebook page of the Safety Officer and Practitioners Group. Actually, I was also asked this question

360 Safety

Before: Keep yourself updated. With the various media platforms, it is next to impossible to not be updated of the supposed typhoon’s movement. Inspect and clean up your house especially your drainage system. Check to see if there’s a need to fix your house such as holes on your roofs, damaged

360 Safety

Here are some quick and easy construction safety tips that will protect the well-being of yourself and your employees: Understanding fall hazards Before they even begin on the job, all construction workers should locate and identify all fall hazards on the work site. This includes double checking

360 Safety

World First Aid Day, which was introduced by the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in 2000, is an opportunity to raise awareness about a lifesaving act. This year on World First Aid Day, the theme is ‘First aid and road safety’. Everyone should know how to save a life. Age is no bar.

360 Safety

1. Watch for weather updates on TV, radio, and social media. If you have internet access, follow relevant social media pages for quick updates on weather conditions, flooded areas, and possible dangers. 2. Evacuate as soon as the signal is given or as soon as you sense danger. In times of

360 Safety

3rd week of August. Brain attack, also known as a stroke, may present simply as slurring of speech or a fatal coma. Stroke patients may recover with no disability or may spend the rest of their lives bedridden and unable to care for themselves. Preventing a Stroke: What You Can Do Now   by Joseph D

360 Safety

The month of August was declared as National Lung Month in the Philippines through the Presidential Proclamation No. 1761 signed by former President Ferdinand Marcos on July 24, 1978. Our lungs are indeed very important and it is susceptible to many diseases. Luckily for us, these illnesses and

360 Safety

National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week Published July 17, 2017, 10:00 PM National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation (NDPR) Week is celebrated on July 17-23 under the auspices of the National Council on Disability Affairs, pursuant to Proclamation No. 1870 (1979), amended by