360 Safety

360 Safety

The 3rd Week of January is National #Cancer Consciousness Week. What is Cancer? Cancer is a group of many related diseases that begins in cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to produce more cells only when the body needs them. This orderly process helps keep the body healthy. Sometimes,

360 Safety

In a disaster, rescue will usually arrive only after 72 hours. Know what to do in the first 72 hours of a hazard and how you can plan for it with your family: Find out the distance of your home and workplace from the West Valley Fault. The first step is situational awareness. Sites such as the 

360 Safety

Every month of January is Zero-Waste Month, as declared by the former President Benigno S. Aquino III in the Proclamation No. 760 signed on May 2014. Zero waste is defined as the advocacy that promotes the managing of products to eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials. The

360 Safety

Put progression before perfection at the start. When creating a safety committee, begin the process with immediate and long-term goals, but be careful about aiming too high initially. Embrace variety. Workplaces consist of employees with varied positions and backgrounds. Ensure your safety

360 Safety

Responding to a Bleeding Emergency A bleeding emergency can be serious. Severe bleeding can occur when a large blood vessel is torn or cut. Minor bleeding is from small cuts or scrapes. Direct pressure is the first step to stop bleeding, whether it’s severe or minor. Call 911 when someone has

360 Safety

No one expects to be caught in a potentially dangerous and extreme situation such as a natural disaster. If the unthinkable does occur, having a plan and knowing what to do could make all the difference for you and your loved ones. These four tips can help you stay safe during a disaster. If you

360 Safety

Safety Technology - Industrial safety gets a bad rap as being a detriment to productivity. But what if you could use safety to better understand and improve the performance of your operations? Smart safety can help you do just that. It uses the same concepts as smart manufacturing or Industry 4.0—

360 Safety

While you are enjoying your grilling, family time, and fireworks, take time to remind your kids what this holiday is about.  The lighting and display of fireworks came with a price to many men and women sacrificing for their kids and future generations. Below are 10 fireworks safety tips you should

360 Safety

Choose wisely. Not all New Year's Eve parties are created equal. Vet your options by seeking those hosted by companies with experience and at venues with good reputations. Scout your surroundings. Make sure your fete's site has plenty of exits, multiple rooms and multiple stairways if