LOTO's Fatal 5 and how we can prevent them

According to OSHA standards, 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries every year could be prevented if proper Lock-out/Tag-out procedures are being followed. Lock-Out, Tag-Out (LOTO), is the control of hazardous energies such as electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or mechanical. These energies provide the power for the operation of machines and equipment needed for company production. Those seriously injured, disabled, or even died, are mostly workers involved in the operation or maintenance of said machines. A typical example is the switching on of a machine while a mechanic or a part of his body is still inside. Or operators in a hurry to unstuck a jammed machine without turning it off first as a necessary procedure. LOTO could prevent a lot of these injuries.

But what is LOTO specifically? As the name implies, it has two main components- the lockout and the tag out. Lock-Out involves an actual lock that prevents the release of energy from the machine. Tag-Out involves placing tags on shutoff devices of machines to warn workers not to energize the equipment.

LOTO’s Fatal 5 are the following:

1. Failure to stop equipment- workers may not do this safe procedure either due to wanting more work done or their age and experience can “shield’ them from injuries;

2. Failure to disconnect from the source-aside from switching off the machine, the switch, and other machine parts should be checked from time to time for defects that can lead to power finding its way through a machine such as in a short circuit.

3. Failure to drain residual energy-many electrical devices store power in a capacitor or battery. Thus all forms of stored energy must be completely blocked or released to prevent the risk of shock.

4. Accidental restart of machinery- unknowing workers may cause injury to coworkers by restarting machines being worked on. This is where tag-outs are most effective.

5. Failure to clear work areas before restarting. It is necessary to clear the work area before restarting to deal with unforeseen problems or issues. Such issues can include a repair tool flying out or a co-worker being in the path of danger.

To protect their operators and maintenance personnel, a company should have policies, programs, procedures, and training in place, with LOTO as a key component. OSHMS360, People360’s training arm, offers these OSH training for workers, such as BOSH/COSH; Confined Space Safety, and Machine and Electrical Safety, to name only a few. It is imperative that workers undergo these essential trainings to gain the proper skills and understanding for a safe and healthy workplace.

Basta Safety, People360!
