People360 Family: Ready for the Big One

It is alarming that on June 29, at the southern part of our country, a mild quake of 4.8 magnitude hit Sultan Kudarat. Not many may know of this, but earlier today, July 31 at 3 o'clock in the morning, Nasugbu Batangas registered a 4.2. Coming in third was the 3.7 magnitude registered at Santa Ana, Cagayan at 2:34AM. The latest, at 6:45 would be the 3.3 magnitude earthquake at San Isidro, Surigao del Norte.
There are in fact, countless others by 2015 alone and the list, unfortunately, is long.
All these made the Metro Manila Shake Drill all the more timely and relevant for everyone to participate in, and today at 10:30, the metropolis launched its first earthquake drill. It may be 25 years after the devastation of the 1990 earthquake which killed more than a thousand lives and damaged millions worth of properties, but today's drill is never too late. Photos and news of participation from almost all schools and establishments flooded the internet which proved how the drill has been successful, with the public actively joining in and taking it seriously.
And the People360 Family took it very, very seriously indeed.
No smiling faces as we feel it like it's real. As soon as the alarms sounded, every one knew where to go, for they already knew the safest part of the building they should be in. It is a crucial point in the drill to get each and every one to safety, for there might not be as many sturdy desks as there are people. Which is why each one is informed a specific place to go to when the big one comes, and have identified the nearest and safest place from their work stations if there are no desks nearby such as interior walls, low-lying furniture and in our case, open spaces.
Here are some photos of the employees doing the Drop, Cover and Hold:
One might say we are ready for the Big One, and we sincerely hope so.
I for one, believe that for any event concerning life and death, concerned agencies should launch drills like this, for the public's participation is a positive indication of cooperation and the fervent desire to stay alive. May I suggest that schools and facilities outside Metro Manila, specifically in provinces who have been hit by a mild earthquake since the start of the year, be encouraged to do the drill next. After all, the metro-wide drill is a success. It informed, educated and united the public.
The People360 Family believes that now we and the public have the hope of saving our and others' lives when the Big One comes.