Four Years and Gearing Up for More

by RMTubelonia

April 6, 2015 was a double celebration for People360 Consulting Corp as it marked its 4th Founding Anniversary, made more significant with the formal Awarding of the much-anticipated ISO 9001:2008 certificate (issued March 2, 2015).

No less than the Managing Director of the Certification International Philippines (CIP) came for the awarding ceremonies while very distinguished guests from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) came not only to witness but to extend congratulations and express appreciation to the company for this mile stone achievement.



In his message, Director Navarrete of CIP lauded People360 for its Quality Policy especially as it commits the company “to deliver quality professional services that meet and exceed customer satisfaction and requirements in the fields of occupational safety and health”. In short, the company is committed to deliver service excellence, which in any economy, brings more business. Even excellent organizations continually undergo continual improvement to increase, if not maintain, their respective competitive edges.

On a lighter note, he said he expects less audit teams from client companies visiting People360 as a result of the ISO certification. He also underscored the contribution of the company to the government’s goal of inclusive growth as we are fortunately operating in a booming economy where construction is a major player, the sector where People360 delivers a majority of its services. He also talked of the moral obligation of many companies – that workers should not die or meet accidents because of their “livelihood”, which People360 firmly advocate through its various service offerings.


mam dole

Atty. Catherine Lagados-Parado, Director of the DOLE’s Bureau of Working Condition, echoed Dir. Navarrete’s observations. She said that Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz highly promotes ISO certification, including at the DOLE itself. The Secretary believes that such can lead to an orderly and systematic way of doing business. For the DOLE, agencies are seriously pursuing ISO certification, with July 2015 as the deadline for the offices to obtain said certification.

She encouraged People360 to take the next step – the Certificate of Compliance (COC) from the DOLE itself. She believes that the company can easily obtain said COC given that the ISO 9001:2008 certification also requires both technical and legal compliance. It is also less time-consuming since based on their records, COC is obtained in an average of three-month period. DOLE now promotes compliance, rather than look for violations. She said that she appreciates People360’s invitation to the twin occasions and was honored to be invited to the said occasion.


President & CEO Cesar Dumayag attributed the ISO certification to three groups of people – the external consultants as represented by Auditors from the CIP; the internal consultants of People360 and last but not the least, the internal QMS champions and technical staff.


He said that he has been an OSH advocate after having worked with both the BWC and the OSHC. The company he had established is not only for business purposes but also an extension of said advocacy. The business had grown, from a small house to today’s building with an office, a training room, conference room, a stock room, cooking/canteen, and a staff house - all in four years’ time. He envisioned the ISO certification four years ago although serious work to its attainment only started mid-2014. He also thanked partners for their faith and trust in his vision, and vowed that People360 will continue to provide quality safety services. He also said that the attainment of the COC is the next goal of the company and looked to the BWC for assistance in obtaining this. He reiterated his gratitude to both the staff and the partners for the company’s attaining its 4th year of operation as well as the ISO certification



From left to right, Front row:Dennis Aquino, DJ Romero (both of OSHC); Dir. Parado of BWC; George Sebastian, Jovertlee Pudan and Rodela Distor. Back row: Emmanuel Galleon; Dexter Bacani; Rodolfo Abad; Lauro Canceran; Rosanna Tubelonia; Jessie dela Cruz and Larry Tagalog (OHNAP)

Other guests present were: Mr. Lauro Tagalog – concurrent President of the Occupational ealth Nurses Association of the Philippines (OHNAP); Engr, Ronaldo Crucillo of BWC; Engr. Dennis Aquino and Ms. Diana Joy Romero (OSHC officers who came in behalf of Dir. Teresita S Cucueco); and Ms. Lorna Aquino and Ms. Yzza Enrile of East West Bank, major financial partners.

Aside from the officers and staff of People360, also on hand during the twin activities were: Fr. Salvador Ballesteros (who led the invocation); and corps of consultants and experts as:; Ms. Rodelia Distor- QMS specialist; Engr. George Sebastian; Engr. Lauro Canceran; Engr. Dexter Bacani; Engr. Rodolfo Abad; Mr. Emmanuel Galleon; and EnP Jovertlee Pudan.